How to Move Your Dot in an MQ or Wave Assessment (11am ET, 4pm UK)

“Over half of win/loss interviewees cite the Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) as the reason for including us in their buying process”. This quote from one of our customers highlights the very high level of influence Gartner MQs and Forrester Waves [...]

Are you “cool” and why does it matter? (10am ET, 3pm UK, 5pm Israel)

For a small vendor, to be cited by Gartner as a “Cool Vendor” can be the start of huge success. The Cool Vendor program, in which Gartner seeks out innovative small vendors to appear in Cool Vendor Reports has in the past branded vendors such as Instagram and Dropbox as “cool”. Technology purchasers, investors and partners pay attention to Cool Vendors as they may be the next big thing, The Gartner press machine creates significant publicity for Cool Vendors, effectively enhancing the Cool Vendors’ own marketing.

Seminar: Smart Growth Strategies for SME FinTechs

Copenhagen FinTech Lab Applebys Plads 7, Copenhagen K, Denmark

At this event we will introduce growth hacking using IT analyst firms like Gartner, Forrester, Aité and Celent within Fintech, and show attendees why this hack works and how to use it as well as how to position for growth through marketing using the 6 step secret to dominating your market.


The 10 things every company gets wrong with Gartner and others (11am ET, 4pm UK)

- The Skills Connection's Guide to avoiding self harm Getting key analysts to have sufficient confidence (in your business, products and services) to recommend you to their clients is difficult. It takes concerted effort, appropriate preparation and relevant executive engagement if you are to get it right and get the right result. But the reality is most companies get it wrong and get truly disappointing results.

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