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According to Harvard Business School 75% of tech startups will fail. One of the most common reasons, for smaller firms whose target market includes enterprises, is the issue of credibility… especially when buyers believe larger, more established firms may be possible, and certainly safer, alternatives.

Making lots of noise to be visible and even investing heavily in sales, to share your message one-to-one, are not enough. You must be credible, you must be considered safe enough.

It turns out that there is a low-cost method of making your business highly credible, and hence much less risky, for enterprise buyers. It simply relies on leveraging a third-party’s high credibility with buyers to give them confidence in you. Join our webinar to learn why this has proven to work and how to do it.

We will share:

  • When and why tech firms typically fail
  • How can small suppliers gain enterprise buyer confidence
  • Why using analysts to grow your credibility works
  • A guide to working with analysts

Join our senior analysts, Joel Wecksell and Simon Levin and learn how others have secured their business growth and funding using this technique and how you could too.

You can register here.


March 12, 2020
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

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