The Trick in Getting Great References for your Magic Quadrant Submission – May 20 (11am ET, 4pm UK)


It doesn’t matter which Magic Quadrant or Wave assessment you are in, the fact is that the references you provide have a profound effect on your result. Weak references will sabotage all your other efforts every time. So why is it then that the vast majority of companies find their references let them down? Somehow it appears they say one thing to you but something different when they engage the analysts. As it turns out there are some very simple reasons for this and some pretty simple actions to take to start to change the result. In this webinar we will share the secrets behind great references and what are the best practices you can follow to get the right results from them.

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2024 analyst engagement survey: getting effective business impact from assessment results (11am ET, 4pm UK)

Some firms get significant business via analysts (such as Gartner & Forrester), while many simply do not. Why is that? And where are you on the scale? Every 2 years, The Skills Connection conduct a study looking specifically at how technology providers’ engage with analysts, and what results they get back in terms of real business impact. In this webinar, we'll share our findings.

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