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– The Skills Connection’s Guide to avoiding self harm

Getting key analysts to have sufficient confidence (in your business, products and services) to recommend you to their clients is difficult. It takes concerted effort, appropriate preparation and relevant executive engagement if you are to get it right and get the right result. But the reality is most companies get it wrong and get truly disappointing results.

Through this 30 minute webinar, you’ll be able to:

– Understand the most common mistakes
– Reflect on how you present yourselves to analyst firms through the eyes of experienced analysts
– Develop a plan to elevate your assessment responses, and engagement activities overall, to a higher level

As a team of former senior analysts, with over 70 years of experience at Gartner, we have extensive experience gained on the other side of the table. With an NPS score of +83, we have proven that we can use that knowledge to help our clients to get a strong ROI from their engagement with the analyst community.

Join our senior analysts, Anne Lapkin and Jane Doorly, to understand how to best tell your company’s story to Gartner and others.

You can register here.


March 23, 2021
11:00 am - 11:30 am

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2024 analyst engagement survey: getting effective business impact from assessment results (11am ET, 4pm UK)

Some firms get significant business via analysts (such as Gartner & Forrester), while many simply do not. Why is that? And where are you on the scale? Every 2 years, The Skills Connection conduct a study looking specifically at how technology providers’ engage with analysts, and what results they get back in terms of real business impact. In this webinar, we'll share our findings.

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