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Earlier this year, The Skills Connection conducted a unique primary research project. This study was aimed at investigating people’s understanding of today’s analyst assessment processes and discovering what works, what effort and resources are required and what value can be derived from these assessments.

Successfully engaging with the analyst community can win your business vital recognition and boost your sales pipeline. But it’s never easy to achieve. In this webinar, we will be presenting our survey findings and offering evidence-based advice for improving your Magic Quadrant and Wave submissions.

The 20-minute webinar will answer several key questions:

  • What does it cost to complete your assessment response?
  • What patterns of behaviour can be identified within the companies that perform best throughout the assessment process?
  • What are competitors doing that I don’t do? What positive results are they achieving? And how are they getting those results?
  • How are organisations of all sizes maximising the benefits created by good assessment results?

The Skills Connection’s team, made up of former analysts with 80 years of Gartner experience, has developed an in-depth understanding of the factors that lead to Magic Quadrant and Wave success. As a result, we are uniquely placed to analyse and interpret these up-to-the-minute survey results and provide you with practical, realistic advice that will add value to your analyst engagement.

You can view a recording here here


April 6, 2016
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

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2024 analyst engagement survey: getting effective business impact from assessment results (11am ET, 4pm UK)

Some firms get significant business via analysts (such as Gartner & Forrester), while many simply do not. Why is that? And where are you on the scale? Every 2 years, The Skills Connection conduct a study looking specifically at how technology providers’ engage with analysts, and what results they get back in terms of real business impact. In this webinar, we'll share our findings.

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