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Here is a little secret. Over two-thirds of companies, who are in MQ and Waves, do not see assessment definitions as being a match to where their business fits into the market! You are not alone.

However, as analysts influence as many as four out of five (source: Blanc & Otus) enterprise purchase decisions, missing out on this channel will simply reduce business coming your way. That’s a fact.

Maybe you have tried briefing the analysts about your market, but they just won’t see the error of their ways. Or perhaps it just seems clear that they have some inherent bias against you. So surely then your only option is “throwing in the towel” and accepting that it’s only your competitors who’ll get the benefit of leads from the analysts? It’s always better to be on the MQ in any position. It’s always easier to explain why you are in a certain position, than to explain why you are excluded. If you choose to be excluded, the market will perceive that you have exited this market and you are no longer a credible vendor.

How can that possibly ever be worthwhile? What it really means is you need a different strategy. You need a different set of tactics. You need to plan a campaign, not a battle. This webinar will share how others have succeeded.

We’ll explain:

1. The various root causes for differences in market view between analyst and supplier
2. The best approach to address your particular difference
3. The proven method to change analyst perspectives and opinions
4. The elements needed for a successful campaign

Join our senior analysts Simon Levin and Jonathan Yarmis for our complimentary, 30-minute webinar and change the outcome of analyst engagement for your company. You can register here.


February 19, 2019
11:00 am - 11:30 am

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2024 analyst engagement survey: getting effective business impact from assessment results (11am ET, 4pm UK)

Some firms get significant business via analysts (such as Gartner & Forrester), while many simply do not. Why is that? And where are you on the scale? Every 2 years, The Skills Connection conduct a study looking specifically at how technology providers’ engage with analysts, and what results they get back in terms of real business impact. In this webinar, we'll share our findings.

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