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For a small vendor, to be cited by Gartner as a “Cool Vendor” can be the start of huge success. The Cool Vendor program, in which Gartner seeks out innovative small vendors to appear in Cool Vendor Reports has in the past branded vendors such as Instagram and Dropbox as “cool”. Technology purchasers, investors and partners pay attention to Cool Vendors as they may be the next big thing, The Gartner press machine creates significant publicity for Cool Vendors, effectively enhancing the Cool Vendors’ own marketing.

Many vendors approach Gartner in the hopes of receiving the Cool Vendor accolade and indeed many start-ups are both highly innovative and highly disruptive. Does that describe your firm? If so, are you frustrated by how massively influential analysts, like Gartner or Forrester, somehow don’t see it!? How can you make sure they recognize your innovation and potential breakthrough?

In this 20 minute webinar, we will cover:
• are you “Cool”?
• the incredible value of being “Cool”
• ensuring Gartner knows you are “Cool”

The Skills Connection is a team of former senior analysts with over 100 years’ collective experience at Gartner alone. Please join our Senior Analysts Anne Lapkin and Jane Doorly, both experienced in successfully taking technology vendors on the journey to being “Cool Vendors”, to find out more. You can register here.


December 4, 2018
11:00 am - 11:30 am

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2024 analyst engagement survey: getting effective business impact from assessment results (11am ET, 4pm UK)

Some firms get significant business via analysts (such as Gartner & Forrester), while many simply do not. Why is that? And where are you on the scale? Every 2 years, The Skills Connection conduct a study looking specifically at how technology providers’ engage with analysts, and what results they get back in terms of real business impact. In this webinar, we'll share our findings.

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