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Once your MQ is published, you may be tempted to heave a deep sigh of relief and get back to your day-job. That would be a big mistake. Having invested so much time and effort in the assessment, shouldn’t you try to maximize the return on that investment? Even more importantly, your inaction will cede control of the post-MQ narrative to your competitors, potentially turning a success into a disaster.

Through this 20-minute webinar, you’ll be able to:
• Understand the serious risks and potential rewards that kick-off on Publication Day
• Identify all the stakeholders you need to communicate with
• Recognize the different collateral each stakeholder will require
• Evaluate the timescales required to prepare and deliver those materials.

As a team of former senior analysts, with over 70 years of experience at Gartner, we have written, reviewed and approved hundreds of such assessments. As advisors, in recent years, we have worked on over 100 different assessments for our clients. During that time, we have witnessed how improved assessment results have helped those businesses to achieve accelerated growth, significant new account wins and, in a half a dozen cases, acquisition.

Join our senior analysts, Jonathan Yarmis and Adam Daum, to find out more and register here.


February 22, 2017
11:00 am - 11:30 am

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