How to boost your Integrated Marketing Management (IMM) Magic Quadrant position
The Gartner Magic Quadrant for IMM can reap huge rewards for your company.
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions
- Are your competitors getting better results — even when their product is inferior?
- Are you struggling to ‘move the dot’ in your MQ?
- Do your references seem to say something different when they talk to you and the analysts?
- Want to get your business listed in 2017?
We are experts, read how we can help your business
We are a team of former senior Gartner analysts who’ve written and reviewed hundreds of Magic Quadrants such as the Integrated Marketing Management MQ. We have an in-depth understanding of the factors for Magic Quadrant success and are uniquely placed to give tangible advice that will add value when responding to the IMM Magic Quadrant.
Recent feedback from clients tells us we had a positive impact in this area

“They were extremely knowledgeable about the Gartner process and their expectations. They went above and beyond working around our schedules to help make our response much better than we would have put together on our own. They helped us put all the information Gartner would want to see in a format they would want to see it in, hitting the points Gartner would care about. Their engagement was extremely valuable to help us hone in on our essential story to help shape our marketing message, as well to help with customer endeavors.”
Many of our clients face similar challenges in working within their Magic quadrant
How we help?
- Use our extensive experience as former Gartner analysts to make sure your Integrated Marketing Management Magic Quadrant responses are the best they can possibly be to ensure success. See: Move the dot in the right direction.
- Deliver the best possible submission, by delivering a best-practice-driven survey response, a best ever briefing by delivering a differentiated essential story, backed up by evidence, great references and, as appropriate, a memorable focused demo.
- Make sure your references actually improve the result.
- Get the analyst to see your company/product/service as it is today and not as it was in the past. More: How to improve analyst engagement.
- Clarify and articulate your company’s vision in a way that aligns to the way in which vision is measured by Gartner.
- Get your company into the Magic Quadrant for the first time.
Well known companies listed on the IMM Magic Quadrant (2016) include:
Companies listed in the Integrated Marketing Management RETIRED Magic Quadrant include: IBM Unica, SAS, Marketo, SAP, Infor, Oracle, SDL, Direxxis, Neolane (Acquired by Adobe), Microsoft, Teradata-Aprimo, Redpoint Global