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We have great analyst engagement. Like every journalist we send them our various press releases and brief them on every one of our new releases. Frustratingly though we never seem to get any business referred to us by them!”

If this sounds remotely like your firm, this webinar is for you. In it our senior analysts, Jonathan Yarmis and Simon Levin, will explain why mixing pressandanalysts never works (and indeed why prospectsandanalysts doesn’t work either).

In the 30-minute session you will learn:

  • How the objectives of the different audiences vary and how your objectives for engaging each audience also vary
  • The specific focus for analysts, what they need from you and when (if you want measurable impact from engaging with them)
  • The difference between an analyst engagement (AE) plan and a PR plan

You can register here.


June 25, 2019
11:00 am - 11:30 am

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