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Pretty much every day we have a conversation with a company about whether, and how, to best work with analysts like Gartner, Forrester etc to help establish a new category in the market. Can it be done? And if so, what is the right approach to follow?

In this webinar we will answer:

– What types of categories actually are there (from an analyst perspective)?
– What role do the analysts play in defining categories?
– Which analysts will help you and which may hinder you?
– What is the right action plan to engage analysts effectively?

If you think getting a new category recognized may be key to your success, don’t miss this webinar. Join Simon Levin (26 years analyst experience), and Ed Cordin (20 years as Gartner and IDC consultant and analyst) and let’s see if we can help you build the right strategy.



October 6, 2021
11:00 am - 11:30 am

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