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How do you make an analyst excited about the next instalment of your vendor story?

Developing a meaningful level of engagement and on-going dialog with an analyst is fundamental to a mutually valuable relationship and an imperative that ensures a best possible result in a Magic Quadrant, Wave or other assessment which in turn drives an associated increase in business opportunities. However, analysts are very busy writing research, answering client enquiries, speaking at conferences and keeping up to date with the technology sector and the vendors they track.

Unfortunately, many vendors, who after a frenzied cycle of briefing an analyst firm at the time of an MQ or a Wave, followed by the publication of the evaluation, will breathe a sigh of relief or horror and run away for another year until the MQ or Wave cycle starts again. Communications with the analysts who have written the research may be sporadic or non-existent and no plan is in place to ensure on-going, targeted and relevant interactions.

Getting analyst engagement right, at the appropriate level and keeping top of mind requires a strategic planned program of interactions so that analyst knows you won’t waste their time or bombard them with marketing material, that your interactions will match their interests and make them better able to do their job. Effective engagement also means no surprises, for example being caught unawares that an analyst has a negative opinion about your company.

This webinar will focus on how to build the story you want to communicate to the analysts, how to make the plot exciting and compelling, and how to optimise the touch points so that they are waiting for the next instalment and giving you feedback on the way.

Join our senior analysts Joel Wecksell and Jane Doorly. You can register here.


May 17, 2017
11:00 am - 11:30 am

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