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Vendors often complain that analysts come to an evaluation with outcomes pre-determined and that nothing the vendor says or does will change the analyst’s mind. This is compounded by the fact that, as our 2016 survey of 110 companies showed, 62% of firms don’t actually believe that their offering directly fits into whatever definition the analyst has defined for their market. Are you really facing a Sisyphean task? We don’t think so. We’ve seen vendors achieve significant progress in evaluation outcomes by directly confronting those analyst (mis)conceptions.

Through this 20 minute webinar, you’ll be able to:
• Uncover the disconnects between your story and the analysts’ beliefs.
• Identify the key pieces of evidence that you’ll need to build your case.
• Assess the strength of your argument and your likelihood of success.
• Walk away with an understanding of how to materially change an analyst’s world view and perception of your company.

As a team of former senior analysts, with over 70 years of experience at Gartner, we have written, reviewed and approved hundreds of such assessments. As advisors, in recent years, we have worked on over 100 different assessments for our clients. During that time we have witnessed how improved assessment results have helped those businesses to achieve accelerated growth, significant new account wins and, in a half a dozen cases, acquisition.

Join our senior analysts Simon Levin and Jonathan Yarmis to learn how you can stop rolling that rock uphill and actually influence an analyst’s perception of you and your market. You can register here.


February 28, 2018
11:00 am - 11:30 am

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